26 August 2007

The floor

The words "get over it" come to mind lol

Clearly a polished floor just wasn't meant to be! First the bathroom floor, then the blood splatter (YES!) and the oil. Ahhh let it go Pam

The last post told of the problem with the floor in the bathroom section. Well I spoke to the the man in charge the next day and reminded him that we told them from the begining the floor would be polished. His answer? well he had a novel solution... paint it grey! HELLOOOOO The coating we were going to put on the floor is a one time deal. If we paint it it will need to be done repeatedly.... forever more....kind of defeats the purpose.

Here is the paragraph to skip if you don't have a strong stomache. Close your eyes Mern hehe

The carpenter was busily putting up the walls when ouch he shot himself with the nail gun! His son called me and when I got out there they had pulled the nail out ... which was when the splatter happened ... and he was sitting down trying to stop the bleeding. I ran to get the phone and when I got back HE WAS CLEANING UP! I think that freaked me out more than anything. He said he was worried about my floor! I wanted him to go to a Dr or something not clean the floor!!!! Anyway he went to the Dr and was back half an hour later with lunch. They told him it would be a four hour wait so he left. Said there was 60 people ahead of him and they all seemed to have bird flu so he was out of there and back to work! Bred tough that one :^D

After they went home that night the crane turned up (a day early) and put the trusses on the roof. while they were doing that the crane dripped oil everywhere. I went straight out there and spread bicarb on it to try to soak up the oil but it only worked on the small patches Ahhh there it goes ... POP... floor dream gone lol

Now here is the pic that made my day.
After everything else that happened that day I went outside to find this. That is our toootally excited daughter SWEEPING her floor and complaining about the mess they had left in her new room!
Always nice to finish on a high :^D
Hope this finds you all well. Hugs to you all


Rachael said...

Oh my dear Pam - that would have to be the best photo ever!!! I've been reading each post as they come through about the house. I never had a clue how small your house acutally was. Its looking terrific - I'm so excited for you. And OMG! about the nail gun - I would have freaked out totally!!!

Joyce at Salisburys Corner said...

bugger, eww and yay in that order hehe

Pam said...

Well you can all blame Rach for something now :^) She has got me thinking about how much the house has changed so You will see some sketches soon that will show how the house has changed from it's beginning as 3 room beach shack.